Admissions at NUST

Learn more about the programmes we offer, and find out how to make an application to join us.

Undergraduate Admissions

NUST offers a wide range of degree courses to suit your areas of interest.

Postgraduate Admissions

Over 150 graduate taught, and research degrees are available in a diverse ...

Continuing Education

The Centre for Continuing Education runs several courses per year.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply to study at NUST?
  • You can apply online by clicking on this link
  • You can download an application form that must be completed, with the stipulated documents being attached before submission: Click Here
The closing date for considering applications shall be determined by the university. Late applications will be considered upon payment of a late application fee of which a deadline shall be advised.
What is a Conventional Programme?

Conventional Programmes are those under the day scheme. They run through out a stipulated semester. or call +263 -292- 282842 Ext 2362/ 2392/ 2422/ 2470/ 2340/ 2334/ 2163/ 2418/ 2340/ 2606/ 2316/ 2807

Apply for Admission

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