Master of Science in Lasers and Applied Optics

Master of Science in Lasers and Applied Optics

Offered in Block Release
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • PostgraduateSkill level
  • $1.00
  • 30 November -0001Admission Deadline

The programme is designed to enhance:-
Scientific manpower trained to participate in the technological development of Zimbabwe
Creativity and innovation so that students can pursue further research work in appropriate fields of lasers and applied optics.

Entry Requirements
Applicants shall normally hold an Honours Degree in Applied Physics with a 2.2 degree class to be eligible for admission into the programme.

Any other equivalent qualifications obtained from recognised institutions in Zimbabwe or elsewhere may be considered by the Departmental Board subject to the approval by the Senate.

For an applicant who does not hold an Honours Degree in Physics or Applied Physics and / or does not hold a 2.2 degree class, the Departmental Board shall determine the level of Physics background the applicant holds and decide if it be adequate and may recommend the applicant to the Senate for admission.

Full-Time Study
The programme, when offered on full-time basis, shall comprise four semesters (i. e. two years).
Year I shall consist of class and laboratory work for two semesters while Year II shall consist of two taught modules and a research project leading to a dissertation.
The research project may commence at any time after the Second Semester written examinations. It may be undertaken either in the Department, at any Industry or any other Institution approved by the Departmental Board. The Dissertation report shall normally be submitted to the Department at least one month before the end of the Second Semester of Part II of the programme

Block Release Programme
When the programme is offered on Block Release basis, it shall be in two Stages, with a total of four Blocks over a period of two years. Stage I comprises of Block I and Block II while Stage II comprises of Block III and Block IV.
Stage I (Block I and Block II), comprise two intensive, three-weeks blocks of class and laboratory work; Stage II shall consist of one, three-weeks block for class-work in Block III and a Research Project, leading to a Dissertation in Block IV. Laboratory work shall proceed between Block I and Block II.
Think in other terms
The Research Project may commence at any time after Block II, Stage I examinations. The dissertation report shall normally be submitted to the Department at least one month before the end of Block IV, Stage II.
A student shall require a minimum of 400 credits to successfully complete the programme.

A taught module shall be assessed normally by a four hour examination at the end of each Semester / Block.
The final grade in a taught module work shall normally be based on Continuous Assessment (25%) and a final written examination (75%). The Seminar and Laboratory work Module shall be assessed wholly (100%) by Continuous Assessment.
To pass a module, a student must obtain a minimum overall mark of 50% and must have obtained at least 50% in the final written examination
The overall classification of the degree shall be done in accordance with the General University Regulations.

Proceed And Discontinue
To proceed from Year I to Year II a student must have earned a minimum of 150 credits with 50 credits having been earned from the Seminar and Laboratory work modules.
A student who fails four or more of the taught modules shall be required to discontinue.

Award Of Degree
To be awarded the Degree, a student must have satisfactorily earned 400 Credits from the programme. The Degree Classification shall be in accordance with the University General Regulations.

Award Of Postgraduate Diploma
A student who passes all the ten taught modules but fails to complete the project work may be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma.
A student who passes at least six of the taught modules and successfully completes the project work may be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma.
The overall classification of the Postgraduate Diploma shall be done in accordance with the University General Regulations.
MAPH 5131 Mathematical Methods 25 Credits
This module looks at complex Analysis: Multi-valued functions; Branch Points and cuts; Evaluation of Integrals; Singularities of functions; Dispersion relations; Fourier Series and Integral Transforms: Fourier series and Fourier analysis; Orthogonality, random process probability; Time-frequency domain; Signal processing; Fourier and Laplace transforms; Fast Fourier and Z transformation; Convolution and De-convolution; Auto and cross co-relation. It also looks at differential Equations: Higher order differential equations with constant and non-constant coefficients; Partial differential equations; Integral transform and Green function methods; Special Functions: Sturm-Lioville Theory; Legendre, Lagurre; Hermite and Bessel functions; Group Theory: Definition and examples of groups, the action of a group on a set; Theory of finite groups; Small oscillations and group theory; Compact and Lie groups; Applications of groups in quantum mechanics and spectroscopy.

MAPH 5071 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 25 Credits
This module explores angular momentum and spin in Schrondiger Equation; Spin-spin, spin-orbit interactions; Thomas-Fermi model; Angular distributions from decay and collisions; Generalised Pauli principle; Properties of symmetry of states, Notion of Parity; Time reversal and charge conjugation.

MAPH 5031 Physical And Geometrical Optics 25 Credits
This module highlights gaussian approximation; The matrix formulation of the Guassian optics; Cardinal points; Monochromatic and chromatic aberration; Geometrical image evaluation; Fresnel Diffraction and X-ray microscopy; Fraunhofer diffraction and Fourier transforms; Coherence and interference design; Two beam and multi-beam interferometers and evaluation of interferograms.

MAPH 5113 Computer Applications And Interfacing 25 Credits
This module is on Programming C++, scope and principles; Use of wide range of computer packages e ;g; Excel - 3; Auto cad, smart work; Basic simulation and modelling methodology, sampling data collection, analysis and visual output; Interforce applications in control systems and instrumentation.

MAPH 5032 Physics And Technology Of Lasers 25 Credits
This module is on Density Matrix formulation of interaction of radiation with matter; Threshold condition, Lamb dip; Unstable resonators; Active and passive Q switching, mode locking; Cavity dumping; Design of gas lasers, solid state lasers, semiconductor lasers and dye lasers; Techniques for measuring the spectral and temporal properties of laser beams.
Think in other terms

MAPH 5072 Quantum Electrodynamics 25 Credits
This module explores the quantum electric dipole; Dipole oscillators Electromagnetic fields and their quantization; Quantum Electrodynamics; Recapitulation of elementary quantum mechanics; Virtual oscillators; Dirac's and Jordan's quantization; Jordan's Pau relativistic quantization of charge free electromagnetic fields; Negative energy states; Electromagnetic fields and their quantization; Electromagnetic Waves in Anisotropic crystals; The index ellipsoid; The quantization of radiation field; The lens Waveguides, the wave equation in quadratic index media; Elliptic Gaussian beams; Density Matrix derivation of the Atomic Susceptibility; Quantum well laser and the free electron laser.

MAPH 5092 Optical Instrumentation And Measurement 25 Credits
This module has a review of Electronic Instrumentation and measurement; Fibre optic sensors; Measurement of pressure, temperature, magnetic and electric field based on intensity, phase, polarization, frequency and wavelength; Sensor design; Optical time domain refectometer spectral analyser, ellipsometer, beam view analyser and diagnostics; Electro-optic, magneto optic and acoustic devices and their applications.

MAPH 6033 Fibre Optics And Non Linear Optics 25 Credits
This module examines materials and fibre preparations; Propagation of 'EMR' in optical fibres; Optical waveguides cable connectors, detectors and measurement techniques; Modal analysis for step index fibres; Pulse dispersion, attenuation and splice loss, grating compression; Raman optical amplifiers; Non-linear optical susceptibility; Phase matching and harmonic generation; Parametric excitation; Photon echo, self-induced transparency, damage effects and optical bistability.

MAPH 6032 Applications Of Lasers 25 Credits
This module is on holography; Principles of wave front reconstruction; Types of holograms; Multiplexing, non-destructive material testing, storage and optical processing; Holographic optical elements; Medical diagnostic, surgery, cancer treatment, bloods coagulation molecular biology; Laser remote sensing and environmental pollution measurement and monitoring and Industrial applications of lasers.

MAPH 6038 Optical Technology 25 Credits
The module explores the generating of optically flat, spherical and aspherical surfaces; Various theories of polishing; Surface finish and polishing quality; Holographic testing; Design of optical processing unit; Production of lenses and prisms; Computer simulation of lens design and prisms; Semiconductor and metallic films, design methods of multilayer interference filter coatings; Guided waves in dielectric films and Devices for integrated optics.

MAPH 6035 Optical Properties Of Materials 25 Credits
The module outlines optical properties of glasses, plastics, amorphous synthetic quart (Vitreous silica) artificial crystals, metallic materials; Photo refractive crystals; Materials for thin fi lm reflection and Anti-reflection coatings; Materials for optical fibres; Fabrication and statistical tolerances for different components.MAPH 6035 Optical Properties Of Materials 25 Credits
The module outlines optical properties of glasses, plastics, amorphous synthetic quart (Vitreous silica) artificial crystals, metallic materials; Photo refractive crystals; Materials for thin fi lm reflection and Anti-reflection coatings; Materials for optical fibres; Fabrication and statistical tolerances for different components.

MAPH 6034 Laser Spectroscopy 25 Credits
This module looks at the tunable coherent light sources; Doppler limited absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy; Laser Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy and time resolved Laser Spectroscopy.

MAPH 6036 Optical Communication 25 Credits
This module covers semiconductor injection lasers, Modes, characteristics and efficiency; LED driver circuits; Receiver structure; High performance receivers; Optical receiver circuits multiplexing strategies; Optical amplifiers; Modulation and demodulation formats; Multi-carrier systems and network concepts; Information theory, entropy information rate, coding to increase average information per bit; Shannon’s theorem and channel capacity.

MAPH 6037 Industrial Applications Of Optics 25 Credits
This module is on surface finish testing; Monitoring on line diameter of threads, wires, etc; Laser alignment techniques; Laser drilling, cutting, welding, heat treatment, glazing, alloying, cladding hardening of surfaces, semi-conductor annealing and trimming; Processing of micro-electronic components; Industrial lasers; Surveillance and range finding; Applications of Fourier optics in character recognition and cross correlation.

Need Any help!

Mr Walter Magagula

Mr Walter Magagula

Senior Assistant Registrar

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