Dr. Josephine Tityiwe

Dr. Josephine Tityiwe

Lecturer - Radiography

Name; Dr. Josephine Tityiwe (PhD)

Position; Senior Lecturer,

Program Coordinator MSc Medical Ultrasound,

Specialist Ultrasonographer,

Department; Radiography

Website; http://www.nust.ac.zw

Email; Josephine.tityiwe@nust.ac.zw; josywashetity@gmail.com



  1. PhD Diagnostic Imaging (Ultrasound), University of Salford, UK;
  2. Diploma in Medical Ultrasound, Allied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe;
  3. Certificate in Medical Ultrasound, Burwin, Canada;
  4. Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education, NUST, Zimbabwe;
  5. MSc Radiography (Professional Development studies), University of Salford, UK;
  6. Further Education Trainers certificate, Harare polytechnic, Zimbabwe;
  7. Diploma in Diagnostic radiography, University of Zimbabwe School of Radiography.



i) Tityiwe, J.S., (2020), Duplex ultrasound assessment of early-stage peripheral artery disease in the lower limbs of Zimbabwean diabetic patients, PhD thesis, University of Salford, http://usir.salford.ac.uk/id/eprint/59777

ii) Josephine. S. Tityiwe., Anne. Newton-Hughes; Godfrey. Azangwe; Paul. Comfort (2020), Repeatability of      ultrasound parameters in measuring blood flow in the lower limb arteries of asymptomatic diabetic patients with    early-stage peripheral artery disease. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology Vol.15 [2020] e-ISSN 2409-     0360 pp128-147 Zimbabwej.sci.technol, https://www.nust.ac.zw.zjst/pdf

iii) Josephine. S. Tityiwe., Gillian. Crofts; Anne. Newton-Hughes; Godfrey. Azangwe; Paul. Comfort (2021),         Acute effects of beetroot juice on blood flow and blood pressure in diabetic patients with early-stage Peripheral Artery Disease compared to non-diabetic controls. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology Vol.16 pp1-24          Zimbabwej.sci.technol, https://www.nust.ac.zw.zjst/pdf

iv) S, Tityiwe., Godfrey Azangwe; Anne Newton-Hughes; Paul Comfort (2023) Comparison of ultrasound blood flow characteristics of the lower limb in Diabetics with early-stage peripheral artery disease         and non-diabetics, Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, Vol 13(2), May 12,2023, https://www.scirp.org/journal/jdm/         DOI :10.4236/jdm.2023.132014

v) Tityiwe, J., and Crofts, G., (2012), Role Development by Radiographers into Clinical Radiography Reporting, nzimrt.co.nz/userfiles/file/NZIMRT,isrrt_NOV_2012.pdf,         https://www.seek.salford.ac.uk/user/profile/publications/view.do?publicationNum=3718