Mr. Donald Ndebele

Mr. Donald Ndebele


QUALIFICATIONS: MPhil Applied Biology & Biochemistry(NUST),  BSc. Applied Biology & Biochemistry (NUST)




RESEARCH INTERESTS: Biochemical toxicology in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, studying the impact of pollutants at molecular and organism level, investigating “green approaches” or eco-friendly strategies for mitigating pollution.


Basopo, N, Ndebele,D and Rumbidzai, T. 2022. A comparison of selected heavy metals in soils mixed with domestic and industrial sludges and assessment of effects of the sludge pollutants on oxidative stress markers of the African kale (Brassica oleracea var acephala) grown using sewage sludge manure, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Basopo, N, Ndebele,D and Kutywayo,N. 2022. An assessment of toxic effects of chemical toxicants on biochemical markers in the freshwater snail Helisoma duryi exposed to different water samples from a gold mine, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment

Mkandla, S, Ndebele,D, Teta, C and Basopo, N. Effects of industrial effluent on aquatic organisms: a study using zebra fish (Danio rerio) as a model of evaluation, African Journal of Science and Research